
Mutable arguments considered harmful

icon Principle of single mutable access

Rust's borrow checker makes reasoning about mutation easy. It guarantees that at any given moment there exists at most one mutable access to each piece of data. You can track the access as it is passed around in the code. With this principle, your search is reduced to a single path that does not branch out.

The said principle is very powerful even outside of programming. You can see it in action on aggie.io. It is a platform where you can draw with your friends. Each layer in the drawing has at most one owner and only the owner can draw on their layers. Despite (or rather because of) its simplicity, this algorithm prevents any conflicting edits.

Unfortunately, this principle does not prevent the programmer from making other kinds of mistakes.

icon Incoherent state

Consider an example of a bag of nuts:

enum Nut {

struct Bag {
    contents: Vec<Nut>,

In your program you often need to get the number of peanuts in the bag. You can compute it each time, or cache it in a second field, like this:

struct Bag {
    contents: Vec<Nut>,
    peanut_count: usize,

Unfortunately, in such situations it's easy to introduce incoherent state:

fn add_peanut(bag: &mut Bag) {
    // Oops, forgot to increment peanut count.

In this example you can spot the bug right away. But what if a function mutates multiple fields and there are more complex relations between them? Or what if multiple functions mutate fields independently? At this point it becomes harder to reason about the state.

fn add_peanut(bag: &mut Bag) {
    add_nut(bag, Nut::Peanut);

    // What if I added another function call between these two?
    // Can I make any assumptions about the state of `bag`?


In the example above, between the first and second function call, the bag is in a incoherent state. It's okay because the program cannot access the bag while the function has the mutable reference. And after the function is done, bag is again in a valid state.

However, this approach is quite error prone. And it's not just about bad function design. Notice that whenever a function mutates a state that has interrelated components, it must do it sequentially:

struct State {
    x: i32,
    double_ix: i32,

impl State {
    fn well_designed_method(&mut self) {
        self.x += 1;
        // Incoherent state here.
        self.double_x = self.x * 2;

Even if you hide the internal representation and only mutate the state through methods, it is possible to introduce bugs in the methods themselves (a trivial observation, but bear with me).

The other problem with methods is that taking mutable reference to self is implicit. Checkout this code form ripgrep:

if subject.is_stdin() {
    self.search_reader(path, io::stdin().lock())   // Takes &mut self.
} else if self.should_preprocess(path) {           // Takes &self.
    self.search_preprocessor(path)                 // Takes &mut self.
} else if self.should_decompress(path) {           // Takes &self.
    self.search_decompress(path)                   // Takes &mut self.
} else {
    self.search_path(path)                         // Takes &mut self.

It's BurntSushi's code, so of course it makes sense - evaluating conditions doesn't require mutable access, doing things with the state does. The point is that you can't be sure what the code does just from reading it.

icon Functional approach

As an alternative I propose pure functions. Instead of mutating the input state, a pure function unpacks the input state, constructs a new state and returns it. Of course it's nothing new but it's so rarely used in Rust code that I think it's worth talking about.

There are three big advantages:

fn add_peanut_on_condition(bag: Bag) -> Bag {
    let Bag {
        content: old_content,
        peanut_count: old_peanut_count,
    } = bag;

    // `bag` cannot be in incoherent state, since there's no `bag`
    // at this point.

    if some_condition {
        let new_content = add_nut(old_content, Nut::Peanut);
        let new_peanut_count = increment_peanut_count(old_peanut_count);

        // The new `Bag` is constructed from coherent data.
        let new_bag = Bag {
            content: new_content,
            peanut_count: new_peanut_count,

        return new_bag;
    } else {
        // **Not** mutating a field is explicit.
        let new_bag = Bag {
            content: old_content,
            peanut_count: old_peanut_count,

        return new_bag;

icon Structs are not collections of variables

Notice that in the code above variables content and peanut_count are mutated independently anyways:

fn add_nut(mut content: Vec<Nut>, nut: Nut) -> Vec<Nut> {
  // Warning: `content` is mutated here independently from `peanut_count`!

  // It's okay, because `Vec<Nut>` by itself makes no guarantees
  // about `peanut_count`.



But there's a real difference between mutating independent variables and fields of a struct: Structs are not just collections of variables. They are collections of variables plus guarantees about them. Whenever you violate such guarantee, you make it easier to introduce bugs, whether you expose this violation or not.